Fort William Holiday Lodge
taking flight
Bird Watching Near Fort WilliamTop tips for bird watching near Fort William. Here is some of the wildlife you could see in the skies around Highwinds Holiday Lodge.
Golden Eagle
The golden eagle is the top predator in the Scottish countryside. You may spot a golden eagle pretty much anywhere local to us, so keep a look out!
Hen Harrier
One of the most endangered species of raptor in the UK. You can spot them all year round.
Snow Bunting
Look out for this rare bird during winter. Only a few pairs of snow bunting breed here but around 10,000 -15,000 others join them in winter.
Dippers are found in many different habitats including rivers, streams, estuaries, lochs and the coast. Did you know, dippers’ eyes are able to function underwater because their eyelids act as goggles!
Meadow Pipit
The meadow pipit is a common nesting bird that can be found in moorlands, salt marshes and grassland.
The ptarmigan is a game bird slightly larger than a grey partridge. It breeds in the highest mountains of Scotland. The birds rarely move far from their breeding sites. In cold weather they may move from the highest ground to the edge of the forests.
This legendary bird of prey returns to the lochs each spring. The Osprey is perfectly evolved to hunt fish.
Buzzards are a frequent sight. They have inhabited mountain ranges, woodlands and moorlands. You will have a good chance of spotting one wherever you go! The picture on the right is taken from the kitchen window.