photograph the highlands

Fort William Photography Guide

photograph the highlands

Fort William Photography Guide

Ben Nevis North Face from CMD

Can be reached directly from the house and doesn’t require any scrambling or technical climbing, but does require a decent degree of fitness and the willingness to walk through a bog for a while. Here is the route to where I took these pictures from. In winter conditions you will need an ice axe and crampons with you and the ability to use them safely.

Check the forcast on MWIS before you head out to try and get an idea of what conditions will be like at sunrise/sunset (there’s no point heading up for a photo if Ben Nevis is covered in clouds.

The pictures I’ve included here are from the way up to the CMD, from the CMD you get a nice sweeping view of the Arete heading up to Ben Nevis.

Ben Nevis from Highwinds

Our house in located with a spectacular view of the North Face of Ben Nevis. You can spend hours watching the weather roll over Ben Nevis and study the mountain as it changes through out the day. We have a nice comfy chair set up infront of a window looking out to the Mountain so you can relax in comfort while waiting for the perfect light.

The pictures below were taken from our back garden with one taken from the field out the back.

Old Boat of Caol

Park near the train station in Carpoch from here you’ll see a series of locks if you cross over these and get onto the beach and walk towards Fort William you will soon come across this interesting boat with Ben Nevis in the background.

Neptune’s Staircase & Jacobite Steam Train

There’s a carpark right by Neptune’s Staircase down the road in Caol/Banavie which means there’s minimal walking needed to take in this impressive sight.

At the bottom of Neptune’s Staircase is a railway bridge, it’s worth checking the depature times of the Jacobite Steam train from Fort William so you can catch the shot of the train infront of Ben Nevis.

You can combine this trip with the Old Boat of Caol by making a loop around the canal.

Steall Falls

About a 20 Minute drive from Highwinds at the end of Glen Nevis is the start of the track to Steall Falls, one of the biggest water falls in Scotland. The short trek to the falls offers some brilliant views and if you’re feeling brave there is a wire bridge to cross near the falls.

For more information about the Steall Falls walk please visit our walking page.

Blar Meanbh

At the end of our road just over the bridge there’s a little left turn which will take you on a little trail to these woods. They’re completely off the beaten track and there’s so many little routes to explore and photograph.

For more information on these woods please visit our Blar Meanbh page.

Cruim Leacainn

This is the hill out the back of Highwinds, it offers fantastic views of Aonach Mor, Carn Mor Dearg & Ben Nevis. You start along the road then take a right and follow a track up, through some fields and a forest before a bit of a boggy slog for the final accent.

Some careful route finding is needed as there isnt a clear path and there be a gate or two that needs to be hopped. Here’s the route I took when I did it.

Fields Around Highwinds

We’re lucky to have fields to the front and back of Highwinds which are full of Horses, Cows, Sheep, Goats and Birds see what you can spot on your visit to Highwinds