low altitude highland adventures

Easyish Walks Near Fort WilliamHere’s a number of our favourite walks that do not require a massive slog up a hill, but may be on the longer side or have a bit more off path terrain than the easy walks. If you’re looking for easier walks than this please visit our great easy walks from Fort William page. If you’re looking for a step up in difficulty please visit our Easy Munro’s from Fort William page.


Lost Valley

A stunning walk starting at the famous three sisters carpark and must visit viewpoint in Glnecoe.

The walk is very rough in places with some light scrambling. In icey conditions it can feel a bit exposed with the gorge on the left.
36 Min Drive
2.5 Mile Walk
coastal walk

Castle Tioram & The Silver Walk

This is a stunning coastal walk starting at the very impressive Castle Tioram. The path is fairly rough and mildly exposed in places so great care is needed in icey conditions but on a nice day it is a very pleasant walk.

After about 2 miles of coastal path you’ll ascend a hill and come across ruins of a hamlet. The going can be quite boggy at this point but the views more than make up for it. Here is my strava of this walk.
1 Hour 12 Min Drive
3.5 Mile Walk
ben nevis north face

CIC Hut Walk

A walk to the base of the magnificent Ben Nevis’ North Face.  See if you can spot any climbers going up some of the legendary North Face routes. (NOT ASCENDING BEN NEVIS).

Can be walked directly from the house, one of the paths in the forest is a little steep but this can be avoided if you stick to the Walk Highlands route. Here’s the route from the house. In the winter it can get quite icy and snowy by the hut, the route is there and back again so you can just turn around whenever it gets uncomfortable.

From the House
9.2 Mile Walk
harry potter magic

Glenfinnan Viaduct

I’ve included the famous Viaduct again (it’s also listed in the easy walks) as there are a number of more ambitious off track walks to do. To get to the vantage point of the picture, walk through the viaduct and keep going on the track until you see an obvious trail where people have previously been up the little hill, which is called Tom Dubh on the OS map.
There’s another great view point if you cross the river under the Viaduct itself then head up the track and hill there – the route for that vantage point is near the start of this Strava activity but turn back the way you came from once you’re happy with the view rather than do the whole loop as some of the down climbs were a bit steep for an easyish walk.
22 Min Drive
2.5 Mile Walk
beach walk

Peanmeanach Beach

Another lovely walk to a secluded beach with superb coastal views. Full write up coming soon.

From the House
9.2 Mile Walk

The Grey Mare’s Tail Waterfall

A nice well marked trail starting from Kinlochleven. An impressive waterfall and great views down Loch Leven. If you’re feeling energetic combine the walk to a trip to the Ice Factor which contains Britains tallest indoor ice climbing wall, top rope, lead climbing and bouldering. Also has a cafe. (The climbing centre is currently closed but hopefully it will re open again one day!)
42 Min Drive
2.25 Mile Walk
hydro power

Blackwater Reservoir

Fairly long walk to the impressive blackwater reservoir dam.

40 Min Drive
11 Mile Walk

Barrisdale Bay

Stunning coastal walk. Full write up coming soon.

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